Widget actions


Shows or hides page widgets.

Property Description


Widget to show/hide

Shows the sliding effect of a widget, or of a widget group.

Note: The widget or grouped widgets can actually be outside of visible part of the page in the project and slide in and out of view.

Property Description


Widget to slide


Sliding direction


Transition speed of sliding widget

X Distance

Travel distance of X coordinate in pixels

Y Distance

Travel distance of Y coordinate in pixels

Slide Limit

Enable/Disable movement limits of the widget with respect to the x, y coordinates

X Limit

Limit position of slide action for x coordinate

Y Limit

Limit position of slide action for y coordinate

Toggle Visibility

Show/hide widget at the end of each slide action

Image Widget

Image displayed during slide action

Displays a keypad and starts data entry on a data field without touching the widget itself. This action can be used to activate data entry using a barcode scanner.

Java Script Interface

project.beginDataEntry(wgtName [, pageName])

Parameter Description
wgtName Widget name

Active page for data entry. Optional parameter. Useful to select a data field inside a non-modal active dialog box.


"Force the refresh of IP Camera widget when used in JPEG format. Only works on pages that include an IP Camera widget"


Sends remote commands to a camera that supports them. See "IP Camera widgets" for details. Make sure that the IP Camera supports movement commands.

Parameter Description

Camera URL

URL of IP Camera

User Name

Name of user allowed to access the camera.

Set this parameter when access to the camera is password protected.


Password to access the camera.


Command to send to the PTZ controller (for example, decoder_control.cgi?command=0)


Refreshes the event buffer (alarm or audit) of the widgets on the page

Parameter Description
Even Name Set the ID of the event buffer widget associated with Alarm History Widget or Audit Tables to be updated.

Displays the context menu.

If Context Menu property of Project Widget has been set to On delay context menu can appear also touching for a few seconds the background area of the screen. See "Runtime" for details.


Replaces existing media files with new files from USB/SD card. Can be used to replace video files of MediaPlayer widgets, or images of project.

Note: New media files must have same name and format of the files to be replaced.

Parameter Description
Media Type Type of file to update
Device Device where new media files are supplied
sourcePath Folder where new media files are stored (for example, "\USBMemory")
Image Resize Resizes new images to the size of images to be replaced. Not applicable to video files.
Silent Replaces media automatically. As defau a dialog is displayed for the user to specify file location.
Java Script Interface

void replaceMedia(var sourcePath, var bSilent, var Device, var nMediaType, var bResize)

project.replaceMedia("Images", true, "\USBMemory", 1, true);


Open the combo box list. Works when Combobox mode is Full Screen.


Close the combo box list. Works when Combobox mode is Full Screen.


Scroll rows of the table forward or backward.

Parameter Description
Table Widget Table widget name
Direction The number of rows to jump, forward when positive, backward when negative.
Java Script Interface



Toggle selection of all Alarms shown in table widget.

Parameter Description
Table Widget Table widget name

Shift left or right the columns of a data table. Note the remapping is applicated to the data source widget.

Parameter Description
Data source widget Data source widget id
Columns Shift Data source widget columns are shifted (left or right, depeding on sign) by this amount
Fixed left columns A custom amount of columns (on the left of table) can be kept fixed during shifting
Remap Filter

Table widget filter (if defined) is connected to a data source widget column. This column, by default, is not remapped by shift action, but can be forced to true

Java Script Interface

var ColumnOrder = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; var json = {_c:ColumnOrder}; page.getWidget("TableDataSrcWgt").remapColumns(json);


Restore the original columns order (see "ShiftTableDataSrcColumns" macro)


Select a column and the criteria to use to sort the rows of the table.

Parameter Description
Table Widget Table to sort
Data Source Column Column to use to sort the table
Sorting Mode Can be: Ascending, Descending or Toggle
Sorting Type Can be: Alphabetic or Numeric
Java Script Interface

var column = "Column1"; // Colum name (TableDataSource) var mode = 0; //0=Ascending, 1=Descending var type = 1; //0=Aphabetic, 1=Numeric var sorting_rule_1 = { _c : column, _m : mode, _t : type }; var json = [ sorting_rule_1 ] page.getWidget("TableWgt").setSortingRules(json);


Commands to control the charts widgets (Ref.: "Scatter chart widget")

Parameter Description
ActivePanMode Activate the moving of the graphic through gesture commands
ActiveZoomMode Activate the zoom mode through gesture commands
ActiveCursorMode Activate the moving of the cursor through gesture commands
ExecuteZoomIn Zoom In the graphic
ExecuteZoomOut Zoom Out the graphic
ExecuteAxesReset Reset the graphic view
ExecuteNoAction Disable gesture commands
ToogleAutoScale Enable or disable the auto-scale feature. Auto-scale ensures that the X axis maximum always take into account the most recent values of the curves.
UpdateStaticCurve Reads tags values and refresh the curves